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About this Carrd

Welcome! Thank you for clicking on to this Carrd.
In this Carrd, you can find information on a few things about me, such as:
- a tiny profile of myself
- some of my game IDs
- a link to my socials
Unfortunately, with me being slightly unexperienced with maintaining and creatings things here, things may be a bit wonky here and there. Things might also not be up to date, depending on how busy I am, but I intend to keep this relatively updated!- Hadzy :D

Ayakashi Romance Reborn - Voltage

Username: Hadzy
Eng: 6836538912631
Username: ハツコ/Hadzy
Jap: 8734283704621
brief bio
- a really loud shizuki and futaba enjoyer
- feel free to send a request any time for both accounts!
- caught up with most content, excluding events

Tears of Themis - HoYoverseUsername: 双葉
UID: 200193161
brief bio
- vynvynvynvynvynvynvyn (try and guess my favorite)
- spontaneous logins from time to time, but more consistent compared to OM/OMN
- feel free to send a friend request at any time!

Twisted Wonderland - Aniplex, Disneybrief bio
- riddle is my entire life in this game
- other favs: vil, rook, azul
- please contact me on Discord or IG if you would like to send a friend request!

Genshin Impact - HoYoversebrief bio
- the game that has a clutch hold on me... except that these days i have nothing to do so i login inconsistently
- albedo (C1) and lyney (C0) main
- AR 59
UID: 638485913

Honkai Star Rail - HoYoversebrief bio
- sampo and dan heng has a clutch hold on me
- relatively active! caught up on majority of content
- please contact me on Discord or IG for my UID!
TL: 65

Enstars! - Happy Elementsbrief bio
- natsume-p
Username: Hadzy
ID: 8003366091

Project Sekai - SEGA, Colorful Palettebrief bio
- virtual singer oshi, followed by w/s and vbs
- t348 for cherry blossoms event (en)
- SBC will be hosting my t100 run for vs2! (late aug 2024)
- please contact me for my JPN ID!
Username: [SBC] Hadzy
EN ID: 228173424504078336


hi!i'm fairly certain that people understand the base criteria for not interacting with me, as my dni follows the standard dni- no homophobic, transphobic, sexist, etc. people please!i'm usually really chill for a lot of people as long as they respect my opinion! i do want to caution that i yume with certain characters though, so if any of your oshis are here and you're non-sharing, please consider not interacting with me!! i personally do not mind sharing, and i enjoy learning about everyone's characters :)so far, i have yume characters for:
- Shizuki (Ayakashi Romance Reborn)
- Lyney (Genshin Impact)
i post more yume content for my ayakoi ship, and not as much for my genshin one.i also use certain game mcs for some self-insert ships (ex: Futaba Saotome from Ayakashi Romance Reborn)!Regarding ships:as mentioned again, i'm generally chill for a lot of people as long as they respect my opinion; and in turn, I'll usually be respectful of your ship! if you don't like some of the things I ship and plan to start discourse with me, please refrain from interacting with me. as long as you stay silent and keep some boundaries with me, i'm fine (ex: just following, liking content)! in the end, they're just 2d pixels and i personally think that it's ridiculous about how sometimes things go way too far.here are some of the ships I enjoy!
- Kaimiku (vocaloid)
- Mizuena (PRSK)
- Tsukanene (PRSK)
- Beigguang (Genshin)

About Hadzy

Hi! My name is Hadzy. I'm a 16 year old high school student living in America.On other platforms or in servers, you might see me being refered to as Had, or in Japanese, ハツコ, but that's me!In general, I'm an english speaker, but on some platforms such as Twitter, I try speaking Japanese so I can keep my Japanese in check. I'm comfortable with either language, so feel free to interact with me however you wish~Some Lil' Facts that I Googled for Intros
- Birthday: June 9th
- Gender: Female (she/her)
- Hobbies: Drawing, Writing, Playing Games, Walking
- Subjects I'm Good At: English, Math (to a certain degree)
- Song I'm Kind of Obsessed with Right Now: Car's Outside (James Arthur)
- Extracurriculars at School: Theatre
- Yume: Sharing OK, I like seeing everyone's ocs :D
- Oshis: Sharing OK! Down to be friends with anyone who shares the same interests with me!
- Merch Collection: I collect some merch; not in huge quantities though :'D
- F2P/Whale: F2P in most games. I whaled $50 in Genshin once, but haven't spent a single cent on anything else since then, LOL.
Thank you for reading this! Hope this wasn't too awkward lmao.

Tiering Event Countdown
prsk, enstars

Let Your Song Resonate Throughout SEKAI! (T100, hosted by SBC!)

    Romancing Cruise (Natsume Focus, t???)